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Re: Look at the Quickstep
Posted by Serendipidy
12/25/2007  8:49:00 PM
Social Dancer. In the International Style you can also start with the man's LF as long as you start on beats 3 4 which is a slow. You can also if you wish use the 4th beat on the LF as a quick.
If you work it out and wished to use part of the Feta Foxtrot. Most judges expect to see a Feather Step performed.You could start on the LF on 3 4, do a Feather . Skip the Check and Weave, instead do the normal Reverse Turn and Three Step. Then carry on to the end as is. As I said before. The person who composed that Foxtrot was no ordinary throw it together merchant. It is actually a good routine with the Chair, Wrong Foot Lunge. Curving Feather. Back Feather then Left Side Feather for the lady and Check followed by the Open Telemark using a different alignament than normal. ( which is diag to wall against the LOD ). finishing diag to centre. Thats 12 bars up to that point, 4 bars to go. Very cleverly put together.
I can't think of any reason why most of these Sequence Dances start on the LF as part of the dance, which is not an introductory step and always on the wrong beats of 1 2.. Maybe somebody out there knows. Is it because the composers didn't , or don't understand the music they are composing to.
Re: Look at the Quickstep
Posted by Anonymous
3/5/2008  1:46:00 PM
the same arrangers use the other approach of srarting a feather on 34 in some of their other arrangements. either format is considered acceptable in sequence.
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